New IFF ART FILM honorary award – Milan Lasica Award

The programme of the IFF ART FILM in Košice will once again include remarkable works from film history, also linked to the winners of honorary awards. In addition to the traditional and very attractive for the audience and the media, the Actor’s Mission Award and the Golden Camera Award, there will be a third one. 

Its name – the Milan Lasica Award – is a permanent tribute to the memory of the first and only president of IFF ART FILM in its history and is intended for important personalities of Slovak and Czech cinema. It is awarded in memoriam usually on the occasion of a jubilee of the honoured personality. 

As the oldest and largest film festival in Slovakia, IFF ART FILM strives to preserve and commemorate as many film personalities as possible who created the best works of our cinema during their lifetime. At the same time, it wants to draw the attention of the public and the media to their contribution in the field of film, with the aim of introducing their work to younger, upcoming generations.

In a way, the Milan Lasica Award is a continuation of the Festival President’s Award, which Milan Lasica himself awarded and presented in the years 2017-2021. In 2021 its last laureate in memoriam was the director of the first ever Slovak film Jánošík, Jaroslav Siakeľ, on the occasion of the centenary of its premiere. 

The name of the first laureate of the Milan Lasica Award will be announced in the beginning of next year.