The animated musical is the melodramatic story of a woman who cannot understand the world of men. It takes place in a rock quarry with ten male workers. They resemble the rocks which they move around in their mechanical rhythm day after day. But one evening this rhythm is disrupted when the foreman’s wife arrives at the quarry. She brings emotion and humanity to the place, but soon realizes that that is no place for her to live. She gradually descends into madness, and finally, blinded by desire for love and children, she gives in to the temptation to kill… It took Katarína Kerekesová five years to complete the film, and it was contributed to by other notable filmmakers who of course also attended the premiere. This included cinematographer Peter Hudák, editor Marek Kráľovský, singers Dada Iliašová Mazalová and Stanislav Beňačka, assistant director Ivana Šebestová, script editor Katarína Moláková, costume designer Tatiana Šulíková, co-producer Peter Košťál and composer/musician Marek Piaček, who admitted: “It was the most complicated composition project I’ve even taken part in.” Viewers will have the next chance to see the animated musical film Stones at the Pohoda music festival in July, and starting in September as part of the non-commercial showcase Projeckt 100 at cinemas throughout Slovakia. Photographs can be found at in the Press section. The Art Film Fest International Film Festival Trenčianske Teplice/Trenčín is made possible through the financial support of the Audiovisual Fund and the European Union Programme MEDIA. Organizers: ART FILM, n. o., Forza, a. s. Co-organizers: the Town of Trenčianske Teplice, the City of Trenčín, the Trenčianske Teplice Health Spa General Sponsors: Dôvera Medical Insurance, AquaCity Poprad Main Sponsors: Tatra banka, Slovnaft, Veolia Voda – Central Slovakian Waterworks, OHL ŽS, Alison Slovakia Official Transport Provider: Lancia Logistics Sponsor: DHL; Free student cinepasses provided by: Prvá stavebná sporitelna (First Housing-Construction Savings Bank) Sponsor of the Slovak Season section: Zlatý Bažant; Sponsors: AVI Studio, Baske Guest House, Park Hotel na Baračke Official Suppliers: HUBERT J.E., Kláštorná, GS design, Philips, A Briliant Media Sponsors: Slovak Television, Markíza Television, FilmBox, CSTV, Central Europe Television, Rádio Europa 2, Rádio Hit FM, Pravda, .týždeň, Markíza, Pardon, Cinemax, Kam do mesta,, Boomerang Media, SITA, euroAWK,